Wildlife & Tourism in Homa Bay
Ruma N. Park is located in Lambwe Valley between the Kanyamwa Escarpment and the Gwasi Hills.
It traverses Suba, Mbita and Ndhiwa districts covering an area of 120 Km.
The park is located in Nyanza province and is 140 Km south east of Kisumu and 65 Km south west of Kisii. The main gate is 42 Km from Homa Bay while Nyatoto gate is 20 km from Mbita.
It was initially gazetted as the Lambwe Valley Game Reserve in April, 1966. In June 1983, it was upgraded to a National Park mainly to protect the Roan antelopes that are only found in this part of Kenya and the Lelwel hartebeest.
The Wildlife and Tourism industries in Kenya are synonymous and rely on one another to meet common goals, from the preservation and conservation of life, to the social and cultural development of the community.
Homa Bay county is home to a variety of attractions, wildlife and fauna not commonly found in other parts of the country, and at its heart is the Ruma National Park.
Ruma National Park
There are also a variety of small mammals and a large number of avian species including many birds-of-prey. The park is one of the 61 IBA ( Important Bird Areas ) in Kenya and the only protected area in Kenya where the globally vulnerable and migratory Blue Swallow (Hirundo atrocaerulea) is currently monitored. The crowned crane, helmeted guinea fowls, marabou storks, Ibis, secretary bird and quelea species are some of the common birds found in the park.
Among the notable reptiles found in the park are python (Python sebae), African spitting cobra, forest cobra (Naja melanoleuca), eastern green mamba, black- mouthed mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis), and puff adder (Bitis arietans).
Such species as lions (Panthera leo), Cheetah (Acynonyx jubatus) and Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis Michaeli) were present in the valley as recently as 1936 but they have since gone locally extinct. However, the Black Rhino has recently been reintroduced in the park to boost species diversity. Elephants were also abundant in the area but they were driven away towards the Maasai land in 1931 and 1948.
The park is rich in wildlife species. The notable ones, which are easily seen include:
Bush buck (Tragelaphus scriptus)
Oribi (Ourebia ourebi)
Boor reedbuck (Redunca redunca Wardi)
Water buck (Kobus defassa)
Topi (Damaliscus korrigum)
Duiker (Slyricapra grimmia)
Roan antelope (Hippotra- gus equinus)
Rothschild giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis Rothschildi)
Jackson’s hartebeest (Alce- laphus bucelaphus jacksonii)
Impala (Aepyceros melampus)
Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
Spotted hyaena (Crocutta crocutta)
Leopard (Panthera pardus)
Bush pig (Potamochoereus porcus)
Olive baboon (Papio Anubis Nenmmani)
Vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops Johnstoni)
Lelwel hartebeest (Alcelaphus bucelaphus Lelwel) which was introduced in the area in 2008.
Tourist Attractions
Homa Bay County and the greater Western Region host a multitude of attractions and sites of interest,
Some Include:
The Kanjera Archaeological Site
The Tom Mboya Mausoleum
Lake Simbi
Homa Bay Hills
Mfangano Island
Rusinga Island
Takawiri Island
Each site has a rich history and local folk lores that date back to hundreds of years, if not thousands.
Here at Cold Springs Hotel, we encourage our guests to get the most out of their visits by engaging the local cultural sites and activities that open the eye to the diversity of African cultural heritage.